Wednesday 31 March 2010

Horse Riding Lions!

Ben: Nope, it's not an amazing new indie band with an obscure, yet catchy name... the Chinese actually have trained Lions to Ride horses for show.

What will they think of next?
Horse Riding Tigers??

Oh wait... they have.

Monday 15 June 2009

And Craig David said: "Let There Be Light!"


..."and there was light!"

As an excert from the book of David, chapter 3, verse 8 tells us...

"And just as thine So Solideth Crew hath only 21 seconds to go. I too have set thyself a limited time to create life. But I must chill on the seventh day as I have been making love for four days straight."

Friday 12 June 2009

Perms encourage racism. Fact!

Here's proof.

Kids, don't get a perm... according to this it makes you look like a "black boy"

Monday 8 June 2009

My dreams confuse me

For some reason in my dream last night I checked this page. The latest post was a video very similar to this one. Just an image with an audio track of a Smiths song.

So... i thought I'd post it.

I really don't know why i was dreaming of The Smiths.

Sunday 7 June 2009

The Rise and Fall of Spit Dancing

Dancing has graced our planet for many years. From the first day man discovered fire, our kind have been busting out 'the robot' to primitive beat-boxing. Before then, we were purely moonwalking in the dark.

But now, we move into the darker side of contemporary 'dance', the dark shadowey concept of 'spit dancing'. The inconspicuous 'trend' first arose during the mid 80's, with confused disco fans experiencing the hard, fashionable drugs of the decade. These hard party-goers would mix cocaine with the likes of duckzade and hero-japot - these drugs closely linked with recent climate change, and Al-Qaeda

Above we can see an average 'spitter'. In an act called 'preparing', the dancer gets 'into the zone', 'huffle-ing' a batch of your finest 'treacle', opening their mouth, and bending to the floor. These are the initiation rites, if you will, to the dance. From this position, the treacle mixes with the users salivapods, sending buckets of spittle to the ground.

The dancer now has his, OR HER dance floor.

The Dance can now begin. With the user 'letting the spit take over', shapes are created around the the spit. However, one may never touch the spit. Just look at what happened to this unlucky - as the 'hardcoreys' say - 'toucher'.


Today we celebrate...


Mick Foley's (aka Mankind/Dude Love & Cactus Jack) birthday.

Probably one of the most entertaining wrestlers ever.

So Mick... we got you a piñata.

Happy Birthday!

Learn to Scat sing with Sesame Street

If you ever feel the need to take up scat singing I recommened starting of by watching this.